Our Premium Team

We believe passion changes everything. Our passion for investments is the reason why we exist. This drives us to find new investment opportunities and innovate smarter ways of doing things. We always go the extra mile for our clients. Our passion gives us the freedom to act boldly.

GraySwan is an investment advisory and wealth management firm.

The wealth of our investment experience and the depth, strength and stability of our advisory and investment team amounts to over 150 years. We have been advising and managing the most prestigious institutional client assets in South Africa. It renders us excessively qualified and capable to understand and handle the financial affairs of our institutional, corporate, family office & private client investors. The average experience of each of our investment consultants is 13 years, providing our clients with expert advice. With offices in Stellenbosch, Somerset West and Johannesburg, the company is one of the most experienced in terms of assets under advice (>R25 billion).

As a team, we are passionate and known for doing the right things for the right reasons. This means that whatever we set ourselves out to do, we do it with integrity, and we do it wholeheartedly. We always go the extra mile.

We serve a wide range of investors, and all clients have the opportunity to access our best views that are cost-efficient and have proven performance track records. We are not just our clients’ investment consultants, but also their long-term strategic thinking partners.

We believe the following factors set us apart from the crowd: Our independence, our wealth of investment consulting experience, our history of investment management experience, our stable team, our superior service ethos, and our proven long-term track record. We invite you to take flight with us to see the world of investing from a different perspective.

This is the freedom to access quality.

Meet Our Experienced Co-Portfolio Managers

Gregoire and Duncan Theron, GraySwan’s Chief Investment Officer and Chief Executive Officer, have been a formidable team for over 45 years.

Their combined expertise has propelled GraySwan’s Funds to the forefront of the industry, earning top 3 rankings and securing nominations for the prestigious Raging Bull and Morningstar Awards. Their disciplined and passionate approach to portfolio management is the cornerstone of GraySwan’s continued success.

Even if you’re not a client of GraySwan, you can invest in our superior-performing Funds. We can assist you to invest directly, or simply ask your financial advisor how to invest.

Experience the benefits of disciplined, passionate, and trusted portfolio management.

Investment Consulting Team

Tania Theron

Tania Theron

Head of Wealth

Mart-Marie de Jongh

Mart-Marie de Jongh

Investment Consultant

Braam Bredenkamp

Braam Bredenkamp

Investment Consultant

Natalie Ngonelo

Natalie Ngonelo

Administrative Assistant

Nicola Constable

Nicola Constable

Administrative Assistant

Heinz Nel

Heinz Nel


Somine Stadler

Somine Stadler

Administrative Assistant

Janine Thomas

Janine Thomas

Office Manager

Aphiwe Kasini

Aphiwe Kasini

Office Assistant

Jackie Linders

Jackie Linders

Driver & Maintenance Manager

Investment Team

Gregoire Theron

Gregoire Theron

Chief Investment Officer

Duncan Theron

Duncan Theron

Portfolio Manager

David Goosen

David Goosen

Senior Investment Analyst

Victoria Cope

Victoria Cope

Investment Analyst

Kamogelo Nkosi

Kamogelo Nkosi

Investment Analyst

Finance, Communications & Compliance

Songezo Nyokana

Songezo Nyokana

Financial Manager

Bailey Dewing

Bailey Dewing

Marketing Manager

Elizna Taylor

Elizna Taylor

Compliance & Operations Manager