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COP27 – What can we expect?
The 27th U.N. climate conference (known as COP27) convenes today and tomorrow in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Sadly, the prospects of this meeting yielding any meaningful results seem remote, and already there is greater focus on the controversies than the issues at hand...
Time in the Market vs. Timing the Market
How do you decide between retirement income options in the retail market? Part 3
With a hybrid annuity option, you can have your cake and eat it too. Now that we’ve drawn a comparison between living (investment-linked) annuities and life (guaranteed) annuities in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series of articles, we can elaborate on the hybrid annuity...
How do you decide between retirement income options in the retail market? Part 2
It is crucial to note that no one financial solution will suit all investors. In my previous article, which you can read here if you have not yet done so, I compared a living annuity and a life annuity, narrowing it down to the differences between “investment-linked...
How do you decide between retirement income options in the retail market? Part 1
A comparison of living and life annuities. When nearing retirement and having to consider your options of where and how to invest your retirement savings (i.e., savings from a retirement annuity, pension or provident fund, or pension and provident preservation funds),...
Crypto assets: Are you prepared for the taxman?
AUTHOR: DIANE SECCOMBE, NATIONAL HEAD OF TAXATION AT MAZARS ACADEMY - Article sponsored by GraySwan SARS and SARB have been quick to follow other international jurisdictions in seeking greater transparency, regulatory framework and disclosure in respect of crypto...
Practical guide to offshore investments: Part 2
A practical guide to offshore investments: Part 2 In this series on offshore investments, we focus on which options are available to investors, how South Africans can access such offshore investment opportunities and the impact product choice can have on offshore...
Practical guide to offshore investments: Part 1
A practical guide to offshore investments: Part 1 A look at options available to investors, how South Africans can access these and the impact product choice can have on offshore portfolios. The world is becoming more interconnected every day – technological...
Umbrella Funds
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